Class Page
__construct( integer|array $id )
init( Ip\Controller
$controller )
This function is being executed every time before this page element is being displayed.
integer getId( )
Get page ID
Return values:
integer Page ID
string getTitle( )
Get page navigation title
Return values:
string A title for page navigation
string getMetaTitle( )
Get page title
Return values:
string Page title
string getLanguageCode( )
Return values:
string Language code
string getKeywords( )
Get page keywords
Return values:
string Page keywords
string getDescription( )
Get page description
Return values:
string Page description text
string getUpdatedAt( )
Get page modification date and time
Return values:
string in MySql timestamp format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
string getCreatedAt( )
Get page creation date and time
Return values:
string in MySql timestamp format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
setCreatedAt( mixed $createdAt )
Set page creation date and time
mixed $createdAt string in MySql timestamp format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
integer getParentId( )
Get parent page ID
Return values:
integer Parent page ID
string getLink( )
Get page URL address
Return values:
string Page URL
string getUrlPath( )
Get the last part of the page URL
Return values:
string Page URL
boolean isCurrent( )
Check if the page is the currently opened page in the browser
Return values:
boolean True, if the page is a current page
boolean isInCurrentBreadcrumb( )
Check if the page exists in current breadcrumb
Return values:
boolean True, if the page is in a current breadcrumb
string getRedirectUrl( )
Get page redirect address URL
Return values:
string Redirect URL address
boolean isVisible( )
Get page visibility status
Return values:
boolean Visibility
boolean isDisabled( )
Get page disabled status. Disabled means it is not clickable in the interface.
Return values:
boolean Visibility
boolean isSecured( )
Get page security status. Sescured means that it can't be visible even by knowing the url of the page.
Return values:
boolean Visibility
boolean isBlank( )
Get page blank status.
Return values:
boolean Open link in new window
createList( mixed $list )
getChildren( [ null $from = null ] , [ null $till = null ] , [ string $orderBy = 'pageOrder' ] , [ string $direction = 'ASC' ] )
null $from
null $till
string $orderBy
string $direction
Return values:
string getAlias( )
Get page alias - unique string identificator of the page
Return values:
string Page alias
string getLayout( )
Get page layout
Return values:
setLayout( string $layout )
set layout
string $layout