Weekly Support Recap #6

Have you already checked our Plugin Market? If not, go here and do it. If yes, read this blog post and get to know more about adding plugin icons and creating custom error 404 pages. Enjoy!

Custom errpr 404 page

With ImpressPages it is very simple to make custom PageNotFound page. Just add 404.php file to your theme's root folder and this file will be immediately used to display 'page not found' error.

How to add plugin icons

Plugin market is ready and running. It means that now you can decorate your plugins with icons. Just add assets/icons.svg file to your plugin. SVG file has no size, it is a vector format. Just make sure it is a square. You can add .PNG too. In that case make it 100x100 px. If your plugin has widgets, the same rule applies to them, too. Just the size is 55x55 px.

If you have open source plugin on GitHub or other public GIT repository, you can add it to ImpressPages marketplace just by putting a link. We will fetch files and compress in correct ZIP archive. Contribution page is here: http://market.impresspages.org/dashboard/

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