Default Filter list
The table below lists default ImpressPages core filters.
Filter name | Comment | Additional data |
ipAdminMenu | ||
ipAdminNavbarButtons | ||
ipAdminNavbarCenterElements | ||
ipAdminPermission | By catching this filter you can modify admin's prmissions on the fly depending on your own criteria |
permission administratorId |
ipAdminRepositorySidebar | ||
ipAdminSystemSubmenu | ||
ipAvailablePermissions | List of all available admin permissions | |
ipBlockContent | Filter block output | blockName |
ipBreadcrumb | Modify breadcrumb | |
ipDesingOptionsSave | Filter design options before storing to the database. Available since 4.5.0 | |
ipHead | Filter ipHead() function result. Available since 4.2.7 | |
ipJs | Filter JavaScript URLs added using ipAddJs function | |
ipJavaScript | Filter the output of ipJs function. Available since 4.5.3 | |
ipMenuForm | Modify form object of menu creation popup | menuId |
ipPageListGridConfig | Modify GRID config used to display pages in a list style in pages section. (since 4.5.2) | parentId |
ipPagePropertiesForm | Modify page properties form in admin | pageId |
ipPagesMenuList | Filter menu list appearing in Pages section of admin | |
ipPageTree | Filter page tree appearing in pages section of admin (since 4.5.2) | languageCode parentId |
ipPaymentMethods | Array of payment methods available to process requested payment defined by data variables |
id price currency title (any other data supported by installed payment methods) |
ipPaymentSelectPageResponse | Filter payment method selection page content |
paymentKey |
ipPluginPropertiesHtml (since 4.2.0) | Plugin's properties HTML in admin area | pluginName |
ipPluginPropertiesForm | pluginName | |
ipReflectionExtension | Modify file extension of reflection being created. Useful when your custom reflection needs to change file type |
source options |
ipReplacePlaceholdersValues | Modify the default list of available placeholders |
content context customValues |
ipReplacePlaceholders | Actually replace placeholders to their values |
content context customValues |
ipRepositoryNewReflectionFileName | ||
ipSendEmailPHPMailerObject | Modify PHPMailerObject before email will be sent |
id to toName from fromName subject immediate html files fileNames fileMimeTypes |
ipSendResponse | Modify the response just before it will be sent out to the browser | |
ipSubscriptionPaymentMethods | Array of subscription payment methods available to process requested payment defined by data variables |
item period periodType amount currency (any other data supported by installed payment methods) |
ipSubscriptionPaymentSelectPageResponse | Filter payment method selection page content |
paymentKey |
ipThemes (since 4.2.2) | Filter list of themes available in Design section of admin |
ipUserData | Modify user data accessed using ipUser()->data() method. | userId |
ipWhiteListExtensions | Extensions to be allowed to upload to the repository | |
ipWidgetFormFieldTypes | Field types available in form widget | |
ipWidgetHtml | Modify HTML of the widget |
id name skin data revisionId languageId blockName position isVisible isDeleted createdAt updatedAt deletedAt |
ipWidgetHtmlFull (since 4.2.8) | Modify HTML of the widget including the surrounding widget container |
id name skin data revisionId languageId blockName position isVisible isDeleted createdAt updatedAt deletedAt |
ipWidgetManagementMenu | Settings menu of widget. Separate filter is thrown for every single widget on the page. |
id name skin data revisionId languageId blockName position isVisible isDeleted createdAt updatedAt deletedAt |
ipWidgets | Objects of all available widgets on the system |