Application object is the main object of ImpressPages core which initializes the application and handles the request. It is used in index.php file and should rarely be used in a controller or anywhere else unless you would like to execute a sub request. It's methods can be accessed using ipApplication() function.
Request execution flow
On each page request application executes the following flow of events, filters and jobs. In 99% of the cases you will use ipBeforeController event and ipSendResponse filter. The rest are implemented just to make the system infinitely flexible.
Type | Name | Comment |
Job | ipRouteLanguage | Used to find out the language of a current request. It should be used only if you would like to change the way multilingual URL's are handled on ImpressPages or so. |
Event | ipInitFinished | Fired as soon as main ImpressPages components are up (autoloader, translations, events, filter, jobs, etc.) |
Job | ipRouteAction | Used to find out current controller and action to be executed. It should be used only if you want to implement your own router or so. |
Job | ipDefaultPageId | Used to find out the default Page ID if the root of the website is accessed. May not be executed in some scenarios. |
Event | ipBeforeController | The most common event do actions on your plugin. On this event, you can add CSS or JS to the page, collect stats, etc. |
Job | ipExecuteController | Used to execute the controller. Use it only if you want to change the way controller action is being executed |
Filter | ipSendResponse |
Use this filter to modify the response just before it is being send. You can also replace existing response object with yours. Use it to
Event | ipBeforeResponseSent | Response has been sent to the client. |
Event | ipBeforeApplicationClosed | Do any actions you need before the database connection will be closed. |
HMVC (Hierarchical Model–View–Controller)
You can use ipApplication()->handleRequest() method to call MVC controller directly from within your code.
<?php $request = new \Ip\Request(); $request->setQuery( array( 'pa' => 'MyPlugin.index', // 'pa' key means public controller. // A value contains a plugin name 'MyPlugin' and action name 'index'. )); $answer = ipApplication()->handleRequest($request)->getContent();