TraCKDUCK - How to solve 3 Miscommunication Issues
Meet our friends from TrackDuck, a startup which provides visual feedback for websites and web development while streamlining the communication process throughout projects.
Stay tuned to the end of this post! At that point you’ll find information about our contest titled, “Your Worst Client Story” where you’ll have a chance to win a free Trackduck enterprise subscription for 6 months!
3 Miscommunication issues web agencies face when dealing with clients that TrackDuck solves
The web development and design industries are probably the most obviously affected when we’re talking about miscommunication issues with clients. Over the years, web agencies and their clients have fought with each other about some of the most awful things imaginable. There are even a few popular blogs focusing entirely on face-palming funny situations that occur when web agencies deal with “bad clientele”
With that said, it really isn't the fault of web agencies or their clients. It’s the nature of web projects, which most of the clients can’t understand. Not surprisingly various collaboration and visual feedback tools are becoming more popular amongst web agencies that suffer from these types of problems. This is also the reason TrackDuck has found its place in the market and has already helped more than 5,000 freelancers and agencies retain better communication with their clients and avoid major miscommunication issues arising from them.
What follows below are 3 iconic (and perhaps ironic) miscommunication issues web agencies face when dealing with clients. Without a doubt, most people working in any web agency will at one point or another find themselves in these situations. Moreover, I’ll explain how TrackDuck allows one to easily resolve these problems thus saving both you and your client time and sanity.
Clients feel bossy;
therefore, they are vague as hell
It doesn’t matter whether you have only a design prototype or an already working website, the visual feedback and collaboration tool TrackDuck allows your clients to add comments directly in the place they aren’t happy about in just seconds. This saves their time and allows them to be as specific as they want to be.
The best part of this is that no matter how specific your clients are going to be, you’ll understand everything from a screenshot of the marked up place.
Clients see everything from their perspective
The dialogue above is more of an ironic joke than a commonly encountered situation. However, once again, it makes sense. Your client often doesn’t see everything as you do. Different resolution, operating system, browser, and other technical parameters can make your client see everything differently. Moreover, non-technical people don’t understand some things precisely as you do; therefore, sometimes they see things from a very different perspective.
TrackDuck perfectly solves this problem and, literally speaking, allows you to see exactly what your clients see. When your client marks a place he or she isn’t happy with, you’ll receive a task not only with a screenshot of the marked place, but also with all the relevant technical information. This includes details about your client’s browser, operating system, and computer resolution.
When using TrackDuck you’ll definitely save time and won’t irritate your clients by asking them to make screenshots and to specify the software they are using.
Clients don’t understand “geeky” language
Your clients often don’t understand the technical language you are using to explain things to them. The dialogue above perfectly illustrates a typical example. They usually don’t know what a thumbnail or header is, or how they should describe some parts of a website. This “language barrier” disturbs communication and makes everyone more stressed.
Once again, TrackDuck perfectly solves the problem. As stated earlier, using TrackDuck can help your clients easily mark a place they aren’t happy with directly on a working website or mockup you have uploaded onto TrackDuck. Therefore, they won’t need to beat your brains out trying to find the right words to describe what they are talking about. In this way, both parties save a lot of time, and avoid long conversations working out what they wanted to say.
Miscommunication is a huge and frustrating issue occurring in many companies, regardless of the industry they belong to. However, it seems that web agencies suffer the most and the examples of miscommunication issues they usually encounter prove this well.
Trackduck was designed to change the way web agencies and their clients communicate and interact with each other. Whether you are designing a website prototype or testing an already working website, Trackduck allows you to invite your clients in seconds and collaborate with them in a more productive way.
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